Ramblin' about important stuff!

I feel the need to ramble today, so please read on and bear with me!

You would think in today's society where it seems that NOTHING is off-limits for discussion or in movies or on TV or the internet that we'd be able to talk openly and honestly about female sexuality, but we don't.  It's like we're back in Victorian England, where sex was a woman's marital duty and it was never even admitted to, much less discussed!  And heaven forbid that a woman might actually enjoy it---that was the sole duty for prostitutes.

We need to open a dialogue regarding female sexuality!  I've been an advocate of this for a long time and, in most cases, people look at me like I have 6 heads if I bring it up, but since this is my blog, I plan to talk about it...and I hope you will, too.  If nothing else, I hope you'll be educated by this information and have a desire to share it.

Let's talk anatomy first.  When I was growing up, I never received any worthwhile information regarding my own body, much less my sexuality.  Of course, I got the "birds and bees" when I was about 8, but I was clueless.  Then, I had the required menstruation program at school when I was in 4th grade.  My mother insisted on attending with me (and showed up 30 minutes late, so the whole program was held up waiting on us), and I was so embarrassed by the tardiness and her attitude that I don't remember a thing at all from that talk!  And then, I had the obligatory sex ed class in high school as part of my health requirement which was absolutely no education at all.  

So, I entered married life at age 19 without any useful information regarding my own body.  Being the reader that I always have been, I promptly went to the library and checked out several books on women's bodies and sexuality and began reading.  WOW!  The things I discovered!  Who knew??  One of the neatest things I discovered was that the female body is the only one that has an organ that has no other function except to provide pleasure; that organ is the clitoris.  (Okay, I know, I just said that word we're never supposed to say...stick with me here!)  The male body doesn't have that, just us lucky females.  

Now, I personally believe that I was created by a loving and all-knowing Heavenly Father who doesn't make mistakes.  Extrapolating that a little further leads me to understand that He gave us, as women, this unique organ because He wants us to feel pleasure and enjoy the sexual experience with our chosen mates!!  How amazing is that?!?

What blows my mind is that most women don't even know they have a clitoris and/or are so uninformed about female sexuality that they've never actually become acquainted with theirs.  What blows my mind even further, and disgusts me beyond anything else, is the practice of clitoridectomies (also known as female genital mutilation) which occur in over 28 countries around the world today!!  This practice is a removal of the clitoris, usually without any anesthetic or hygiene, on a young girl between the ages of just a few days after birth up to about 15.  As of this year, there have been more than 140 million of these procedures performed!!!  And there is no medical reason whatsoever for this to be done.  It is totally a cultural practice, used to deny women of sexual pleasure and supposedly, promote fidelity and chastity.  What an abhorrent practice!!  The health consequences are severe and life-long and can even be life-threatening.  I would post a picture here, but the images are so horrific that I can't bring myself to do it.  Suffice it to say that its horrible and something that should not be allowed!

Now, you might be asking yourself why I'm bringing this up and I guess it's just because it's all linked together in the morass of unknowns regarding female sexuality. There's more I want to discuss, but I think that's enough for one day :)  If you're a female reading this and are unsure about your body and how it works, I would encourage you to do some research and make some discoveries!  This human body is an amazing gift and we need to appreciate it fully, and to do that, we need information.

Stay tuned for a few more posts on this topic of female sexuality...


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