
Yes, I said it....foodgasm!!  There are just some foods that create such a rush of pleasure when you eat them that there's no other word to describe the incredible feeling!!  Today's recipe is just one such fabulous food :)

There have been innumerable studies done on the pleasure centers in our brains.  What's so interesting is that there's basically one targeted area that is stimulated by pleasurable, making love, eating great food, seeing a super-good movie, running or exercising, being out in nature....the list goes on and on....all these things send signals to the pleasure centers in our brains and our bodies respond appropriately.  Now, personally, I don't get the same rush from running as I do from eating great food or making love, but some people really love it!!  

Other studies have proven that women who starve themselves or deny themselves on a regular basis of "pleasurable-type" foods, such as sugar, chocolate, fats, etc...decrease their ability to achieve orgasm during sex.  If we deny ourselves of these foods, we begin to shrink that pleasure center and our bodies can't respond as effectively.  This is also true in women who exercise too much or are training for marathons or weight-lifting competitions.  In extreme circumstances like that, the body goes into a survival mode and doesn't have extra energy to spare for pleasure, so the ability to achieve orgasm is again compromised.  

One of my favorite studies that was done in Great Britain proved that women who ate "pleasure" foods were all around much nicer to be around and much happier with their lives in general.  

So, what does all this mean???  I guess I'd have to give my prescription for the day as:  eat some chocolate and have amazing sex!!

And if you're looking for that recipe to cause a foodgasm in those you serve it it is!!!!

Butterfinger Tiramisu Recipe

1 lb. mascarpone cheese
2 egg yolks
1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
8 fun-sized Butterfinger candy bars, crushed (plus more for garnish)
Hershey's chocolate syrup, for dipping
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 batch Quick peanut butter cookies

To make cookies:
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 1/2 c. peanut butter
3 eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Beat the eggs.  Mix in the sugar and peanut butter.  Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on greased cookie sheets.  Bake for 10-12 minutes.  Makes about 3 dozen.

Once you have made and cooled the cookies, you're ready to assemble the Tiramisu...

Line a loaf pan with parchment paper making sure that you leave enough on the ends to fold over.  Make filling by mixing mascarpone cheese, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla until well blended.  "Square" off the cookies by cutting the edges so they're easier to layer.  Dip peanut butter cookies into the Hershey's chocolate syrup and make a layer in bottom of loaf pan.  Make next layer using filling.  Top with a dusting of crushed candy bars.  Continue making layers in this order until you reach the top of the pan.  Final layer should be dipped cookies.  Fold parchment paper over top to cover.  Refrigerate at least 8-10 hours--overnight is better.  Invert onto a serving dish. Whip the cream with a small amount of sugar and use this to "frost" the top and sides of the dessert.  Garnish with more crushed candy and a whole bar, if desired.  Serves 10-12.

So, there you have it!  A foodgasmic, coma-inducing, unbelievably rich, amazingly fabulous, one-of-a-kind dessert that will cause grown men to moan at the first taste...and who doesn't want that??

I invented this recipe because I absolutely LOVE Butterfinger candy bars and when I was first diagnosed, they were not gluten-free and I had to give them up for many years before their recipe changed and I could eat them again.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do....and may the foodgasm be with you :)


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