Ramblin' about important stuff!
I feel the need to ramble today, so please read on and bear with me! You would think in today's society where it seems that NOTHING is off-limits for discussion or in movies or on TV or the internet that we'd be able to talk openly and honestly about female sexuality, but we don't. It's like we're back in Victorian England, where sex was a woman's marital duty and it was never even admitted to, much less discussed! And heaven forbid that a woman might actually enjoy it---that was the sole duty for prostitutes. We need to open a dialogue regarding female sexuality! I've been an advocate of this for a long time and, in most cases, people look at me like I have 6 heads if I bring it up, but since this is my blog, I plan to talk about it...and I hope you will, too. If nothing else, I hope you'll be educated by this information and have a desire to share it. Let's talk anatomy first. When I was growing up, I never received any worthwhile inform...