Whole 30/Caveman Cleanse

I just completed my first Whole 30 (or as we called it in Naturopathy school..a caveman cleanse---this really isn't a new concept even though the authors of the Whole 30 want you to believe that they came up with it ).  I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Whole 30 or paleo concept since it's such a fad thing right now.  But, for those of you who aren't, this is what it is:  NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY, NO GRAINS, INCLUDING CORN, AND NO LEGUMES/PEANUTS for 30 days!! 

WHAT? you say as you read this over again thinking, she can't be serious!  Oh, but I am!  Our bodies are filled with toxins from our daily living...our environment, our stress, and most of all, the foods we eat...most of which are not whole foods that our bodies need for optimum health. When we give our bodies a good, healthy cleanse through proper food intake, we can release those toxins and create a healthier body.

Those of us with celiac disease need this even more than the average bear!!  Most celiacs are severely lactose intolerant which adds more, worse symptoms to deal with on top of the gluten issues.  We also have such poor assimilation of nutrients through our digestive tracts that many foods, other than gluten, are very toxic and can cause adverse symptoms.

In my case, I battle 5 separate auto-immune conditions, so my body is incredibly susceptible and had become super-toxic!!  Added bonus:  I have very severe adrenal exhaustion and my diet was only exacerbating that situation!  Between Halloween and New Year's, I had 4 major infections that left me desperately ill, without any energy and very depressed, thinking that I was going to feel that way forever.

SO, I decided to take the bull by the horns and do something about it!  And, I knew the most important thing I had to do was take control of all the poor food choices I was making and eliminate those poisons from my system.  The sad thing is that I know better!!  I have done this before, with excellent results I might add, but had let myself slip back into very poor habits with my diet which lead to the resulting health issues. 

I'm happy to report that, although I've still got a long ways to go (probably at least 6-9 months) in the healing department, I am experiencing less headaches, am cleansing like crazy, and my jeans are looser (which was not my motivation behind doing this, but I'll take it)!!

For the past 30 days, I was absolutely, completely, unequivocally strict about my adherence to the plan--no cheating!!  But, today as a treat to celebrate, I decided to go just slightly out of the box and make a Paleo dessert, so I wanted to share that recipe with you.  My husband, who's also been doing the Whole 30 with me, absolutely LOVED this dessert and swore that he couldn't tell that it wasn't full of sugar and "bad stuff."  I have to give credit where it is due...my daughter, Carlie, who has been our instigator and motivator for the Whole 30, created this sweet treat and I used her recipe, with just a tiny tweak :)  It's also, of course, Gluten-free and very "healthy", as far as desserts can be.  So, I hope you'll try cleaning up your diet, even if you're not up to the challenge of a Whole 30...your body will thank you for it!!  This could be a great substitute for a Valentine's Day dessert...you can eat it without worrying about that "sugar hangover" the next morning.  They really are yummy...I've eaten 3 while I've been writing this post!!

Paleo Brownie Bites Recipe

Place 1 ripe banana and 1/2 cup raisins in a food processor and blend to a paste.  Add:  1 egg, 1 tsp. baking soda, and 1 cup almond butter and blend.  Stir in 4 oz of dark chocolate (or chips) and 1/4 cup coconut.  Place in a prepared loaf pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 17-20 minutes or until it tests done with a toothpick.  ENJOY!!

I know....it's hard to believe that there's no flour or sugar or really anything in this recipe!! But, I promise, they really do have a fabulous texture and taste SO yummy!  The first time I tried them, my daughter had made them, it was right before Thanksgiving and I was eating TONS of sugary treats, and I still thought then that they tasted yummy and sweet.  Imagine how much sweeter they tasted to me today after no sugar for 3 days!!!


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