
Showing posts from 2016

Whole 30/Caveman Cleanse

I just completed my first Whole 30 (or as we called it in Naturopathy school..a caveman cleanse---this really isn't a new concept even though the authors of the Whole 30 want you to believe that they came up with it ).  I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Whole 30 or paleo concept since it's such a fad thing right now.  But, for those of you who aren't, this is what it is:  NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY, NO GRAINS, INCLUDING CORN, AND NO LEGUMES/PEANUTS for 30 days!!  WHAT? you say as you read this over again thinking, she can't be serious!  Oh, but I am!  Our bodies are filled with toxins from our daily living...our environment, our stress, and most of all, the foods we eat...most of which are not whole foods that our bodies need for optimum health. When we give our bodies a good, healthy cleanse through proper food intake, we can release those toxins and create a healthier body. Those of us with celiac disease need this even more than the average bear!! ...