2 FABULOUS Christmas desserts!!

Merry Christmas, everybody!!  
I realize that I'm a couple of days late for Christmas, but I'm one of those people who enjoys the holiday season all through the season :)

I've got a couple of amazing new desserts for you today!!  And, even though Christmas is officially over, you can still make these for a fabulous New Year's party or other holiday get-together.  And, frankly, why not just make them any old time of year???

Let's start with an Egg Nog Brulee!
Doesn't that just make your mouth water????

I absolutely love Creme Brulee and am always coming up with a new way to make it!  The other day I was looking in my fridge and saw Egg Nog and thought, "Why not?" and this is what I came up with.

Egg Nog Brulee Recipe

1 1/4 c. Egg Nog
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
dash nutmeg
1 scant T. cornstarch

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl.  Spray 2 3/4 cup ramekins.  Divide mixture between the 2 ramekins and place in a bain marie (a pan half-filled with water).  Bake for about 55 minutes, or until center is set.  Remove from bain marie and cool for 1 hour.  Refrigerate at least 2-3 hours before serving.  May be topped with whipped cream.  Makes 2 servings.

You just have to try it to love it!!  If you're an egg nog fan, this will become one of your new holiday favorites.  And, if you're not an egg nog fan yet, this just might convert you :)

For my other offering today, we're going a totally different direction.  I got the challenge to create a new peppermint recipe for Christmas and I got all excited!!  As I contemplated and created in my head, I knew that I wanted to put chocolate with the peppermint because they just belong together, right??  So, I thought and I thought and I lay in bed dreaming of peppermint concoctions and finally, the answer:  Frozen Peppermint Fudge Pie!!  Inspired!!

Frozen Peppermint Fudge Pie Recipe

12 Glutino's Gluten-Free Chocolate sandwich cookies, ground into crumbs (about 1 1/2 cups)
2 T. melted butter
Combine these two ingredients to make a crust.  Place in the bottom only of a deep dish pie pan and push down firmly.  Place in freezer.

24 peppermint candies, crushed in food processor
2 peppermint candies, reserved for garnish
2 cups heavy cream, whipped
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
2 tsp. mint extract
Hershey's chocolate syrup

Whip cream cheese until fluffy.  Add condensed milk slowly and incorporate;  add mint extract and blend.  Add about 2/3 of the crushed peppermint candies and stir.  Fold whipped cream in carefully.  Place 1/2 of this mixture in the pie crust.  On top of this layer, make a thick layer of Hershey's syrup.  Top with the rest of the mint mixture.  Drizzle top of pie with more Hershey's syrup and the rest of the crushed peppermint candies.  Set the 2 reserved candies in the center for garnish.  Cover with parchment paper and then, plastic wrap.  Freeze for at least 6 hours.  

This pie is amazing, if I do say so myself!!  (Actually, a whole bunch of people said so who ate it :)  It's minty fresh and chocolatey all at the same time.  We don't usually think of frozen desserts at Christmas time, but this is definitely a winner!

Enjoy the rest of your holidays!  May you have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!!


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