Why do you eat a Gluten-free diet????

A recent study shows that 85% of the people who are currently eating a Gluten-free diet in the USA are NOT, I repeat NOT, celiacs or even gluten intolerant!!  Eating a GF diet has become the latest fad craze, kind of like Atkins, and people think that they're going to lose weight and get healthier by eating GF---WRONG!  OH, SO WRONG!!!!

If your body is not impaired by celiac disease or gluten intolerance, you are doing serious nutritional damage to yourself by following a GF diet.  Of course, an occasional GF meal won't hurt anyone, but sticking to a strict GF diet is dangerous if it's not medically necessary!!

There are alerts being posted by health organizations and people just don't seem to be listening.  If they really did their research they would realize that GF foods are MUCH higher in calories than non-GF foods, so there's not much chance you're going to lose any weight on a strict GF diet.  Also, the nutrients found in those whole grains are vital to the overall nutrition of your body---so, if you're following a GF diet because someone told you how good you were going to feel or how healthy it is going to make you--STOP!!!

That being said, if you are having diarrhea, nausea, headaches, bone pain, or unexplained weight loss/gain that you can link to foods containing gluten, you should see your doctor and have yourself tested for celiac disease before starting a GF diet.  If you go ahead and start the diet without the testing, the testing won't work because your body will already be reacting positively to the GF diet.

For those of us who ARE celiacs or gluten intolerant (and have been tested to know for sure), the only option for health is to strictly adhere to a GF diet.  There is no pharmaceutical cure for this disease!!  There's no magic pill that we can take to rejuvenate our small intestines---we MUST be gluten-free! 

If you're struggling to find GF foods that don't taste like sawdust (or worse), don't despair :)  You can order my cookbook, Gloriously Gluten-Free!  It contains almost 300 recipes that have been tested on non-GF eaters and every recipe has been declared delicious!  In fact, the most common comment I receive is , "There's no WAY this is Gluten-free!"

For your copy, send me an email at dockarenglutenfree.gmail.com.  It's $10 plus $2.99 shipping per book.  These make FABULOUS Christmas presents, so order now in time for the holidays :)


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