Pizza, Pizza!

I LOVE pizza!!  And, it's one of the things I miss the most from the BGF (before Gluten-free) days!  It was always so fun to be able to order in a pizza and have a fun family night watching movies or playing games.  Of course, my eating participation in those nights came to a screeching halt after I was diagnosed.  So, I began trying to make my own GF pizza crust....and the first 50 or so tries were absolutely terrible!!  I wouldn't have been comfortable feeding those crusts to my daughter's pet rat, but I ate them anyway because I was so starved for pizza!

Over time, and a LOT of experimenting, I came up with a GF crust that I really enjoyed.  The great thing about this recipe is that it also makes super breadsticks!  So, I would make a double batch of the crust and have enough dough for 1 pizza and about a dozen breadsticks on the side :)

Pizza Crust/Breadsticks Recipe

1 c. brown rice flour
1 c. tapioca flour
1/3 c. dry milk powder
2 tsp. xanthan gum
1/2 tsp. salt
1 T dry yeast
1/2 c. lukewarm water
1 T sugar
1 1/2 T olive oil
1/4 c. hot water
2 egg whites

In a large measuring cup, add the sugar and yeast to the lukewarm water and stir.  Set aside. In a mixing bowl, put flours, dry milk powder, xanthan gum, and salt.  Add the olive oil to the hot water.  With the mixer on low, blend the dry ingredients.  Add the hot water mixture and then, the egg whites, and the yeast mixture, blending well after each addition.  Beat on high speed for 4 minutes to activate the yeast.  Spray a large spoon with cooking spray and scoop out the dough onto a greased cookie sheet or pizza pan.  Spray a plastic bag with cooking spray and use the bag on your hand to spread the dough to about 1/4" thickness, except for the edges which should be abit thicker to hold the fillings.  Bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for about 5-7 minutes--dough will be puffy at this point.  Remove dough from oven and pile with toppings.  Return pizza to oven and bake for another 25-30 minutes or until cheese is fully melted and bubbly.  To make breadsticks:  leave dough in oven for 20-25 minute at first baking.  Before baking, if desired, sprinkle with herbs or seasoned salt.  Remove breadsticks from oven and cut into desired lengths.  Makes 1 large pizza or about 12 breadsticks.

This is a great pizza recipe and I used it exclusively for about 12 years!!  After returning from living in Spain for 3 years, I discovered that there was a GF Bisquick and I was SOOOOOO excited!!  I used to make pizza crust from Bisquick in the BGF days and I couldn't wait to try again....

Now that our children are moved out of the house, I make a much smaller pizza for me and my husband.  I half the recipe that is on the GF Bisquick box....

Bisquick Pizza Crust Recipe

2/3 c GF Bisquick
1/4 tsp. Italian Seasoning
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup oil
1 egg

Heat oven to 425 degrees.  Grease an 8" round cake pan.  Stir all ingredients until well combined; spread into pan.  Bake 12-15 minutes or until crust looks a bit cracked.  Remove from oven and add your toppings.

I generally make veggie pizza (I guess it makes me feel more virtuous about having pizza :)  I like to add some gorgonzola cheese before I top with the mozzarella to give the pizza some extra zip!

After you've added your toppings, return the pizza to the oven and bake for another 20-25 minutes or until it's done the way you like it.  ENJOY!!

A Word of warning!!  There are lots of restaurants now that are advertising Gluten-free pizzas!  About a year ago, there was a new one (a chain) that opened in our neighborhood. We checked it out and they swore that they used all the proper precautions to avoid cross-contamination.  So, my husband took me out for pizza since I hadn't been able to do that in almost 15 years.  It was so fun to be in a pizza joint again and to order pizza.  Turned out the pizza kinda sucked and then, about 8 hours later, I suffered a nasty gluten attack from cross-contamination!!!!  And the management tried to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about...that it couldn't POSSIBLY haven't happened at their restaurant!

Dominos Pizza has recently introduced a gluten-free pizza menu also.  This is all due to the big "health" craze where so many people are going gluten-free, thinking that it's good for them.  If you do not have celiac disease, or gluten intolerance, it is NOT healthy to change to a gluten-free diet!!  Your body needs the nutrients that are contained in those grains.  Anyhoo, back to Dominos...unless you read the very tiny print, you won't know that they do not consider their pizza safe for celiacs because of the cross-contamination issue. 

So, be safe out there!!  Remember that if you have celiac disease, any contact with gluten causes permanent and irreparable damage!!  Make your own pizza and avoid any possible gluten contact :)


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