Argentinian Carrots...a fabulous side dish!

Here we are at the end of summer...again...and getting ready for all those Labor Day parties and bar-be-ques! Are you tired of potato salad, baked beans, potato chips...or whatever that same old side dish is that you've made 50 times this summer and you just can't bear to have it one more time?? Well, if you are (or even if you aren't), I've got a super-yummy, healthy, and easy side dish that will light up your party or bar-be-que and leave people asking how you came up with it! We had dinner many years ago at an Argentinian restaurant and they served this dish as a free appetizer while you were waiting for your dinner to arrive--I was hooked!! I raced home from the restaurant and began experimenting to re-create this dish so we could have it whenever we wanted. My husband taste-tested all the trial runs and we both agreed that this was the one. So, here's the super-easy recipe... Argentinian Carrots 2 cups sliced, cooked carrots (don't let the...