Emotions and memories....and chocolate zucchini cake!

Cooking involves a lot of emotion for me...its not just about following a recipe or putting a nice meal on a table. Every recipe has a history, both in how it was created or first used, and in how it affects me when I cook it; this is especially true for recipes that I use over and over again. Chocolate Zucchini Cake is one such recipe! I remember when I first found this recipe in an old magazine and knew that I just HAD to try it! I remember converting it to "my" recipe by making, what I believed to be, "necessary" changes. I remember taking it to dozens of potlucks, picnics, church socials, birthday parties...and it being a hit every single time! (You know you're a hit when your plate is the first one empty :) I remember struggling to convert it over to GF after I got diagnosed and how happy I was when I finally got it right! Me, at age 8, with my Grandma I also think about my Grandmother, Velma Burkhart Leakey Whiting, whenever I make this cake b...