What do I do when I'm visiting a friend????

Back in the days BC (before celiac), I never even gave it a second thought if someone invited me over for lunch or dinner or out to a restaurant! I would whip something fun up to take with me and I would enjoy munching on whatever everyone else had brought or I could order anything off of any menu at any restaurant and never worry about the consequences. But, then everything changed AD (after diagnosis)! Suddenly, everything was a threat and I was terrified to eat anything that I hadn't personally cooked. My world became very small and isolated and more depressed as I contemplated a lifetime of solitude in order to avoid nasty celiac symptoms. I understood all too well that every small bite of gluten was dangerous and the damage done by that one bite was permanent!! This is a fact that most people do not understand: if you are gluten intolerant, you will suffer for a few hours if you ingest gluten, but then, you'll feel fine again. However, if you...