3 Terrificly Toasty Warm Drinks

According to the groundhog, and to the calendar, we have about another month of winter and cold weather....I know!! It's no fun to think about spending that much longer in the deep freeze, but don't shoot the messenger. I've got 3 fantastic hot drink recipes for you today that will warm your tummy and your soul during this last cold blast from Jack Frost! Let's begin with just the basics...Hot Cocoa! I know that you can grab a packet to mix with water, or buzz down the road to Starbucks (unless you live in the middle of nowhere like I do and the closest one is 20 miles!), but nothing tastes as wonderful as a cup of homemade cocoa! It's so rich and creamy and satisfying that it will(almost) make you wish that every day was a cold, snowy wintry day... Hot Cocoa Recipe: 1/3 cup cocoa 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 3 1/2 cups milk (use at least 2%, whole is the best!) 1/2 tsp. vanilla (optional) Combine sugar and cocoa in a medium saucepa...